Brand New Thinking: A Mobile App Sketch

Sometimes we focus on ways to add value to our relationships with our clients via brand new thinking. In this case, even though another agency had our travel client's mobile business at the time, I took the initiative to explore ways to iterate and innovate on their existing mobile platform to move their business forward and strengthen the partnership between our agency and the client. 

I looked at what leading apps like Facebook, Instagram, FourSquare, and Path were doing at the time. Each app had its own niche of course - a news feed, photography, location-based checkins, a timeline - but when it came to the travel space, specifically, no single app could boast the host of capabilities today's travelers demand. 

Enter: the Travelogue. Use the app as a one-stop travel journal that takes full advantage of all your mobile handset's capabilities - from gps, to voice commands, to photo, video and sound recording. Outcome: Interactive Travel Scrapbooks. 

I thought through the application, gathered a team of the best brains in the agency for a brainstorm, then went back to work thinking through more details. I'd still love to bring this thing to life - the thinking is still there to make a top travel app that would leverage those services' api's, and whose features could easily eclipse any of the capabilities of those standalone apps.